research and facts
images and misc
archives of long ago
Here is a collection of random odds and ends of artwork I've done in 3DS MAX since the summer of 1999.
3D Artwork - Early Models done in Real3D on the Amiga
These images represent my first attempts at modelling, back in 1997, although for some reason the images from '97 are dated 1998. (Perhaps I was guessing when I put the year stamp on the images a couple of years ago). It's thanks to my friend Andrew that I was able to start modelling as he provided me with Real 3D on the Amiga and then competition with Daz spurred me on! These images were my proud creations at the time but, looking back, they leave a lot to be desired. Expecially when by comparison the phenomal T. rex from Jurassic Park was three years before these images!